Building Information Modelling: The Future of Project Management

Building Information Modelling: The Future of Project Management

Building Information Modelling: The Future Of Project Management

Executive Summary

This report examines the benefits of implementing Building Information Management (BIM) in the construction industry, its global adoption, and the perceived barriers impeding its advancement towards gaining broader utilisation in the industry.  The research method focuses on review of pertinent literature available in “Google Scholar” about BIM and its application in managing construction projects.  The report has a limitation of not having a primary source of data from surveys, interviews, or project cases conducted by the author to support the pass on information from online journals.  The results of the investigation show that BIM-projects realised cost savings, faster delivery time, and overall improvements in productivity and quality of works through better collaboration of stakeholders and having a centralised repository of information.  Several countries in Western Europe, North Americas, Asia, and other parts of the world have already adopted the use of BIM.  However, its diffusion within and across countries has not reached the desired pace due to the existence of barriers which can be broadly categorised into technical, managerial, personal, and legal.

Building Information Management is a project management tool.  It encompasses all aspects of project management.  However, it requires involvement and competency of stakeholders to be effective.  The same stakeholders must work together in addressing the adoption hurdles towards a wider acceptance and increased utilisation of BIM in the construction industry.  There are potentially more benefits that can be uncovered with BIM if it is extensively used and as the maturity level of the industry grows.  BIM is shaping to be the future of project management.

1. Introduction

As technology continues to advance, construction projects keep getting more complicated and difficult to manage (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm 2013).  There is the inherent existence of different stakeholders from all facets of the project (financial, architectural, engineering, authorities, contractors, suppliers, etc.) that all need to be satisfied to some extent for the project to succeed (Travaglini, Radujković & Mancini 2014).  In most instances, these stakeholders have requirements that are in contrast with each other such as budget limitations and constraints in the delivery period.  Despite the increasing intricacies, adding to the difficulties in project management are the continuing constrictions in budget and implementation schedule, and the increasing focus towards implementing sustainable construction practices  (Halttula, Aapaoja & Haapasalo 2015; Tarandi 2015).

The construction industry must find ways to effectively and efficiently manage projects of reducing cost and delivery time, and increasing productivity and quality of works (Azhar 2011).  But the success of construction undertakings goes beyond the cost-time-quality triad as reflected in the PMI’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).  A great deal of effort has to be exerted in managing information and meeting the expectations of stakeholders (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm 2013).  The Building Information Modelling (BIM) offers the potential of achieving these goals (Azhar 2011).  BIM has the capacity of reducing wastages, reducing construction costs, hastening project delivery, improving productivity, and improving project quality and performance (Rokooei 2015).  Moreover, the tool allows for a better integration and collaboration of project teams promoting trusts and cooperation between various working groups (Fazli et al. 2014).  Construction projects are inundated with information.  Having accurate and readily accessible information are vital for an effective project management and especially in making critical decisions.  Insufficient information may lead to erroneous works, that can, in turn, result to cost and schedule overruns and the possibility of contract disputes (Matthews et al. 2015).  BIM offers a shift from the traditional document paradigm to an integrated database paradigm.  Thus, BIM offers a real-time collaboration between stakeholders with the integration of teams and of information.  This significantly helps in improving communication between parties involved in the project (Halttula, Aapaoja & Haapasalo 2015).

The literature is abounded with research documenting the benefits of BIM in the construction industry.  Having delved into these pertinent journals, the author is convinced that the construction industry should make a conscious and concerted effort towards a broader utilisation of BIM.  The author has had experience working in the construction project management field for about 15 years now and discerns the enormous potential on how BIM can revolutionise the way projects are managed.  He believes that Building Information Modelling is the future of project management.

This report investigates the adoption of BIM in the construction industry and addresses the following research questions:

  1. What are the benefits BIM?
  2. What are the barriers to BIM implementation and how can they be addressed?
  3. How is the BIM adopted by the construction industry globally?

The next section discusses the research method.  Following it provides insights on what BIM is about and how it relates to project management.   Next to it discusses the benefits of BIM, the challenges in implementing it, and its global adoption.  The last section has the conclusion.

2. Research Method

This paper focuses on the review of extant literature on Building Information Modelling in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction industries.  Keywords such as “Building Information Management,” “Building Information Management in Construction Industry,” and “Building Information Management in Project Management” were used to search online in “Google Scholar” for pertinent and relevant journals available.  The author had worked in developing construction schedules and the corresponding 3D representation of the project using SketchUp®, although they were not functionally integrated.  BIM, on the other hand, has the capability to synchonise schedule and the 3D model, among others, hence, the interest in this topic.

No primary data gathered by the author such as from surveys, interviews, and project cases were included in this document.

3. BIM and Project Management

3.1. About BIM

As defined in the National BIM Standard – United States® Version 3, “a BIM is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such, it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onwards” (National Institute of Building Sciences buildingSMART alliance 2015, pt. 3 p. 3).  It provides the virtual environment for coordinating the architectural, engineering, construction, and facilities management (AEC/FM) requirements of a project.  It incorporates all building elements such as geometry, spatial relationships, quantities, properties, cost estimates, and schedules.  The tool can be used to simulate all aspects of the project from inception, design, construction, operations and maintenance, and up to the decommissioning of the facility.  It improves design quality with the enhanced 3D rendering of the project.  Management of the project is greatly improved with the reduction of errors and reworks, increased productivity, and a fostered cooperative works among team members (Chen & Luo 2014).  Operation and performance become more predictable and the cost associated with the lifecycle of the project is better understood (Azhar 2011).  BIM provides the means for the construction industry to simulate implementing and managing the project, thus, avoiding the extra costs that may otherwise arise when errors are detected during actual site works.

BIM is not just a software tool.  It is also a virtual process encompassing all aspects of the project in a single 3-dimensional model allowing better and more efficient collaboration among project participants than the traditional processes.  As the model is developed, team members continue to refine and make the necessary adjustments according to the project requirements, thus, ensuring a more accurate design before the structure is physically delivered.  BIM promotes integration of the roles of stakeholders significantly changing the workflow and processes involved in delivering projects (Azhar 2011).

3.2. Project Management Defined

The Project Management Institute Inc. (2017) defines project management as the “application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. [It] is accomplished through the appropriate application and integration of the project management processes identified for the project. [It] enables organisations to execute projects effectively and efficiently” (p. 7).  Project management involves five groups of processes: initiating; planning; executing; monitoring and control; and, closing.  These are the series of phases that all projects go through.  It is divided into the management of 10 knowledge areas such as in (Project Management Institute Inc. 2017):

  1. Project Integration
  2. Scope
  3. Time
  4. Cost
  5. Quality
  6. Human Resources
  7. Communications
  8. Risk
  9. Procurement
  10. Stakeholder

These knowledge areas fall into one or more of the five project management process group and are central to effectively manage projects.

3.3. The Intersection of BIM and Project Management

It is well known among researchers and practitioners the three-dimensional (3D) capability of BIM, that is, the visual rendering of the model in the three spatial dimensions of width, height, and depth (Charef, Alaka & Emmitt 2018).  The 3D modelling is especially helpful in the design process in detecting conflicts and clashes (i.e., pipes not intersecting with structural elements), better understanding of the project compared to traditional 2D drawings, and facilitating a collaborative work environment through a common model  (Azhar 2011).  In the survey conducted by Charef, Alaka & Emmitt (2018), 98% of the respondents are aware of BIM 3D modelling.  But BIM has more than the 3D to offer.  In the same survey, 96% of the respondents know about BIM 4D and 5D (Figure 1).  The awareness, however, drops to 78% and 72% for the 6D and 7D, respectively. 

BIM Dimension Awareness

Figure 1.  BIM Dimension Awareness (Adapted from: Charef, Alaka & Emmitt 2018, p. 252).

As to where the other BIM dimensions beyond 3D are attributed to?  86% of the respondents tend to be in general agreement that 4D is linked to planning while 84% is pinning 5D to cost estimating (Figure 2).  To a relatively lesser conformity, 68% attributes sustainability to 6D while 56% to facilities management (Charef, Alaka & Emmitt 2018).  The lower consensus in the 6D and the 7D parts of BIM may be regarded to the extent of BIM usage among practitioners beyond the 5D capability and the level of maturity of the construction industry, in general, in utilising BIM.  Nonetheless, the survey shows that BIM is more than just 3D modelling.  It incorporates other aspects of managing projects such as in terms of scheduling and costing.  Furthermore, the extension of BIM, at least from how it is presently constituted beyond 5D, reflects the enormous potential of the tool to expand its application.

Figure 2.  BIM Dimension Element (Adapted from: Charef, Alaka & Emmitt 2018, p. 252).

BIM is a project management software.  It does not concern only with the design component of the project.  It is a system with the main objective of managing information, thus, belonging to project management, and other aspects of project management (Travaglini, Radujković & Mancini 2014).  It is a tool that construction project managers can potentially use to improve collaboration between stakeholders and reduce the time needed to document projects (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm 2013).  In an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), BIM can be the technological hub that can facilitate this delivery method (Rokooei 2015).  IPD is “a growing approach for delivering projects that unifies different  disciplines’  efforts  and  integrates  all  parties  including  project  managers,  designers,  engineers,  systems  and  practices  into  a  collaborative process.  IPD optimises the value of a project by improving efficiency through all phases” (Rokooei 2015, p. 88).  Construction project managers handle the management of the project’s cost, time, quality, procurement, and all the other project components per the PMBOK.  Similarly, BIM has features resembling the project management tasks.  According to Rokooei (2015, pp. 90-91), these are:

  • Clash Detection
  • Constructability
  • Analysis
  • Time (4D) and Cost (5D) Estimation
  • Integration
  • Quantity Take-off
  • Element Based Models
  • Collaboration and Team Building
  • Communication

The correspondence of BIM and project management is best summed-up in Figure 3.  With how they are connected, BIM provides innovative solutions that can potentially transform the way projects are managed.

PMBOK Knowledge Areas vs. BIM

Figure 3.  PMBOK Knowledge Areas Resemblance with BIM Roles in Construction Project Management (Reproduced from: Rokooei 2015, p. 92).

4. BIM Benefits, Challenges, and Adoption

4.1. BIM Benefits

There has been much research made documenting the benefits of BIM in the AEC sector, which happens to include the management aspects of the project.  The investigations ultimately encapsulate the effects of BIM on projects in terms of cost savings, faster completion time, and better quality of work.  Of the 32 major projects Azhar (2011) had looked into, up to 40% of them resulted to avoiding unbudgeted work variations, the cost estimate went to about 3% more accurate compared to traditional estimating, and up to 80% less time in coming up with cost estimates.  Further, the accurate depiction of the building assembles in the 3D virtual modelling had yielded an estimated 10% savings in the contract value through early clash detections and by about 7% reduction in project delivery time.  In the case study conducted by Bryde, Broquetas & Volm (2013) on 35 projects, most mentioned the positive effects of BIM across project management components.  The top 5 most mentioned favorable impact of BIM to projects were: (1) cost; (2) time; (3) communication; (4) coordination; and, (5) quality.  These findings suggest the appropriateness of BIM for project managers to use to support managing construction works.  Eadie et al. (2013) explored further to know which area BIM had the most financial impact in its implementation in UK.  In the survey conducted, the respondents ranked the stakeholder collaboration as the highest positive economic benefit of BIM implementation.  This was in line with the UK government’s drive to increase organisational integration within the construction industry.  Ranked second was the survey participants’ inclination that BIM was a process rather than just a technology.  This indicates the importance of the management involvement in adopting BIM as it is not just a software that can be simply embedded into the existing workflow.  The quality of work in regard to waste reduction (ranked third) and accuracy (ranked fourth) were perceived to be impacted more compared to the 3D feature of BIM.  The complete ranking of the impact of BIM implementation to other project disciplines is shown in Figure 4.  Though BIM requires considerable investment for the software itself and the training, the result of the survey shows that this added cost was not beyond the reach of smaller organisations.

Figure 4.  BIM Impact Ranking to Different Project Disciplines (Reproduced from: Eadie et al. 2013, p. 148).

The usefulness of BIM is beneficial to project stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the project.  At the design stage alone, about 80-84% cost savings can be realised.  The improvement in productivity with 3D modelling is estimated to be 15-41% of the time required to produce drawings.  The gains at the design stage can have rippling benefits to subsequent stage of the project such as construction and facilities management (Son, Lee & Kim 2015).  According to Fazli et al. (2014), communications between stakeholders are enhanced significantly as they are more able to understand the project in its 3D form compared to the traditional 2D drawings.  They do not have to create in their minds the perspective of the structure out of the flat drawing details.  Project participants, primarily the project managers, are well equipped with making critical decisions through BIM.  With early involvement of the construction team at the design stage, project managers are able to better assess the cost and schedule requirements of the project, thus, gaining better control over it.  BIM positively impacts the construction industry with its effective use in the coordination, planning, construction, and to a certain extent, operations and maintenance, and demolitions.  BIM offers savings in cost and time, and better quality of completed projects.

Chen & Luo (2014) points out the improvements in quality management.  With increased and better collaboration among project participants, the quality of the design is enhanced.  The interoperability of BIM makes it possible to coordinate accurate and complete design information to the construction team.  With 4D, better control of the construction process is ensued with the construction activity progress being able to be captured in the BIM application.  Schedule of quality inspections are timely implemented.  Stakeholders can collaborate more effectivity with the availability of real-time information in BIM.  At the project planning stage, Rokooei (2015) believes that the capacity of BIM to analyse the feasibility and sustainability of the design can result to improvements of the building performance and quality.  As discussed by Halttula, Aapaoja & Haapasalo (2015), quality improvements cut across the project life cycle.  BIM acts as the information hub of the project.  There is a continuous flow of information through all stages of the project, thereby, providing the working groups the much-needed details in making vital decisions.  With simulations executed using BIM, the best method of construction, operations, and maintenance can be assessed.

BIM affects the business process of an organisation.  It is not just a software – a technology.  It can alter the ways of working and the existing processes of an organisation.  The involvement of the management in providing the resources and supporting the innovative changes are requisites in realising the financial benefits of implementing BIM (Lindblad & Vass 2015).  Eadie et al. (2013) and Yang & Chou (2018) assert that project clients benefit the most in BIM implementation.  As the success of the project hinges mainly on the satisfaction of the clients, BIM implementation should take the course towards an extensive adoption in the construction industry.

4.2. Challenges in BIM Implementation

While the benefits of BIM to the AEC industry are well known, its adoption has taken a slower pace than expected (Azhar 2011).  This is mainly due to the existence of adoption barriers which can be categorised into technical, managerial, personal, and legal.  Its imperative that stakeholders must work together in addressing these perceived hurdles.

  1. Technical

Fazli et al. (2014) cite the lack of technological know-how and competency of stakeholders, such as in the Iranian construction industry, as impeding the use of BIM.  It is much difficult to operate than what the software developers suggest (Takim, Harris & Nawawi 2013).  Problems arise when integrating data into BIM from different file formats (Fazli et al. 2014).  Further, BIM files are large.  Computer hardware needs to match the requisite system requirements for the BIM to function effectively and efficiently as desired (Tulenheimo 2015).

It is vital that software developers understand the pain of BIM users as a starting point in developing solutions that would only help enhance the technology’s perceived usefulness and ease-of-use (Son, Lee & Kim 2015).  The developers or a third-party service provider can make provisions for a dedicated, secured, and scalable file storage servers to support the system requirements of BIM (Alreshidi, Mourshed & Rezgui 2017).  Project participants across organisations can make arrangements to agree and standardise the file format to use to avert compatibility issues (Bråthen 2015).  International organisations, such as BuildingSMART, can push for the development of an international file format standards while the software developers can embed these protocols into BIM to enhance its interoperability (Tulenheimo 2015).  While these technical issues exist, software vendors are more likely to resolve them over time as more data on user experience with BIM become available.

  1. Managerial

Organisations need to invest money and time to train staff to gain the level of competency required to efficiently utilise BIM.  This upfront financial and resource outlays are making companies reluctant to implement it (Fazli et al. 2014).  Though the cost of BIM is comparable to some popular CAD softwares, the initial investments are still substantial especially for small and medium companies (SMEs) (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm 2013).  In developing countries, this price may seem steep (Tulenheimo 2015).

Researchers and vendors can help persuade companies in making investments in BIM by substantiating the initial cost outlay against the return on investment (ROI) in the long run.  For instance, the study conducted by Azhar (2011) on BIM projects returned an average ROI of 634%.  Moreover, software vendors can explore providing the pay-per-use option for the SMEs to alleviate the initial cost requirements in setting-up BIM (Takim, Harris & Nawawi 2013).  The management of the organisations should support the training of its personnel in order to effectively use BIM.  Afterall, the capability of an organisation depends on the competencies of its people (Succar, Sher & Williams 2013).

  1. Personal

Individuals have to be convinced of the benefits of BIM before they commit to it (Fazli et al. 2014).  People have the tendency to resist change.  They need to be well-informed of the advantages and innovative solutions that BIM provides for them to adapt their work practices (Olawumi et al. 2018).  As discussed by Takim, Harris & Nawawi (2013), before arriving to usage of a new technology, people go through the stages of awareness of the new tool and its advantages, assessment of its usefulness and ease-of-use, acceptance to use, and learning to effectively utilise it.

Fazli et al. (2014) was successful in demonstrating the advantages of BIM as a project management tool.  But reaping the benefits of BIM is proportionate to the competency of the user.  Having a project manager with BIM knowledge augments the functional advantages of the technology (Rokooei 2015).  In a survey conducted by Fazli et al. (2014), about 50% of the respondents believed that project managers should be BIM competent.  Practitioners must promote more awareness of these advantages.  Companies should provide the necessary support in the training and education of its staff (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm 2013).  Educational institutions can include in their curricula BIM-related subjects (Rokooei 2015).  Software vendors can promote the use of BIM by providing hands-on training and workshops among industry professionals.  The government can provide subsidies to support professional growth of individuals by BIM-related trainings.

  1. Legal

Another barrier of BIM comes from the legal aspect, which has something to do with data ownership issue and Intellectual Property (IP) risk in a shared virtual working environment.  Since clients pay for the design, they may believe they have the right to own it.  On the other hand, the working team members are supplying proprietary information that need to be protected as well.  Both have valid grounds for the claim.  Fazli et al. (2014) raised the problem with the legal validity of the integrated BIM model as only the plotted 2D drawings have legal validity.

The issue of data ownership can be averted by stipulating the details in the contract agreement (Azhar 2011).    According to Alreshidi, Mourshed & Rezgui (2017), this issue can be addressed by developing a regulatory framework governing the legal arrangements in BIM-based projects.

4.3. BIM Adoption

The construction industry is often perceived to lag behind compared to other industries in utilising technologies for a more efficient integrated inter-organisation method of project delivery.  Attempts have been made to increase its productivity by taking advantage of information and communications technologies (ICT), of which, BIM is of particular interest (Lindblad & Vass 2015).  Its first emergence dates back decades ago.  The idea of virtual modelling was alleged to come about in the late 1970s when it was developed at Georgia Institute of Technology.  The manufacturing industry was quick to champion its use in designing, engineering, and manufacturing products.  In the 1990s, the construction industry saw value in implementing 3D modelling and established the basis of its use.  The term “Building Information Modelling” came to light in 2002 to describe the virtual design, construction, and management of facilities.  BIM has evolved through time, but the underlying principles stay the same.  Before the 21st century, its practical application on projects was almost non-existent mainly because of the unavailability of the technology for its efficient use and the lack of interest within construction industry.  It is only recently that BIM has gained traction of its wider implementation as the AEC industry became more aware of the efficiently it provides.  In 1986, Graphisoft® released the software to support 3D modelling.  By the time Autodesk® released in 2000s its own version, the “Building Information Modeling,” the acronym BIM and the term Building Information Modelling was already popularly used (Fazli et al. 2014; Rokooei 2015; Tulenheimo 2015).

Finland was the first European country to mandate the use of BIM (Travaglini, Radujković & Mancini 2014).  Another pioneering implementor in the region was Norway when it saw the need to use the technology to address the low productivity in the AEC industry stemming from poor collaborations (Bråthen 2015).  In the UK, the government imposed the use of BIM from 2014 onwards on all awarded contracts.  The Swedish government has also taken the initiative of BIM implementation in 2013 (Lindblad & Vass 2015).  The European Union Public Procurement Directive (EUPPD) issued instructions stating that “the 28 European Member States may encourage, specify, or mandate the use of BIM for publicly funded construction and building projects in the European Union by 2016” (Charef, Alaka & Emmitt 2018, p. 242).  Meanwhile, the US is regarded as the largest BIM user and originator of BIM knowledge to developing countries (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm 2013).  Other countries mentioned by Takim, Harris & Nawawi (2013) that have already adopted BIM are Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, and South Korea.  Kassem & Succar (2017) studied the maturity level of 21 countries already implementing BIM.  The study conducted by Yang & Chou (2018) revealed that Western Europe has the highest BIM adoption rate.  This is followed by North America, Asia, and other countries (Figure 5).  For instance, Denmark, UK, and the US have the highest adoption rate of more than 70%.  On the other hand, the Czech Republic and countries in the Middle East fall in the lowest adoption rate of less than 30%.  In the middle are countries like Japan, China, New Zealand, and South Korea.  Further, the investigation revealed that the adoption rate in increasing with time and does vary with different stakeholders.

Global BIM Adoption Rates

Figure 5.  Global BIM Adoption Rates (Reproduced from: Yang & Chou 2018, p. 339).

The adoption of BIM has made a global stride, although of varying maturity level as discussed by Tulenheimo (2015) and further analysed by Kassem & Succar (2017) on several countries.  In the study conducted by Kassem & Succar (2017) to better understand the dynamics of the spread of BIM adoption within a country, 76% or 16 out of the 21 countries surveyed revealed that large companies drive the BIM diffusion.  On the other hand, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, and the UK have the government bodies acting as the catalyst of BIM adoption by imposing mandates.  Lastly, New Zealand and Spain have the small organisations pushing the adoption upwards to larger companies and to the local authorities.

Different countries have different proponents pushing the assimilation of BIM practice in the construction industry.  This can be taken in the context on how the country sees the technology appropriate for its need given its construction industry’s prevailing situation.  Nonetheless, the successful implementation of an innovative technology, such as BIM, requires joint efforts by major stakeholders involved, whether, by government authorities, large corporations, or SMEs.

5. Conclusion

As the pressure mounts for the AEC industry to implement sustainable construction practices because of climate change issues and to confront the increasing intricacies of managing projects, BIM provides the avenue to address these needs.  By fostering a collaborative work environment between project stakeholders, BIM improves productivity and efficiency of work practices.  It is a project management tool as it integrates various aspects required of to effectively manage projects.  Several countries mainly in Europe, Americas, and Asia have already started implementing BIM, although, at varying levels (i.e., up to 3D, 4D, or 5D, etc.).  It is projected that BIM usage within these countries would increase more with time, although, not at the pace as desired.  This is because of the existence of barriers impeding its diffusion within and across countries.

Barriers, albeit of varying degrees, are inevitable to emerge when introducing new technologies or processes.  In the case of BIM implementation, these come from technical, managerial, personal, and legal fronts.  Requisite to realising the advantages of BIM is the competency of the stakeholders involved in using it.  These actors must also work together to address the hurdles in BIM adoption.  Companies need to provide support training staff and make the initial investments.  Software developers must continue to improve the interoperability of BIM.  Educational institutions can include BIM-related courses in their curricula.  Government authorities can provide financial support for or incentivise BIM trainings and development.  International organisations can develop BIM standards.  Researchers can help in creating more awareness of its benefits.  These are just some of the ways that construction industry players can help increase BIM diffusion. 

There are many benefits of BIM, and potentially more that have yet uncovered, and these can only be gained if it is broadly implemented.  Technologies help shape the future, and the future of project management may well be relying on BIM.




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