Schedule Risk Analysis With Acumen: Different Activity Types
In this analysis, the activity types are varied while holding all other parameters constant. These activity types include Task Dependent, Level of Effort, WBS Summary, and Milestones. A simple schedule was developed using Primavera P6 for a straightforward understanding of the relationship between the inputs and the SRA results generated from Acumen.
Milestones Tracker: An interactive project monitoring and reporting tool
Having reliable reporting tools are vital in properly managing construction projects. One such instrument is the Milestone Tracker as developed by this author. The tracker provides comprehensive information about the overall status of the projects. Details are configured in such as way that they can readily be conveyed and easily understood by various stakeholders.
Schedule Risk Analysis With Acumen: Different Calendars
In this analysis, the effects of activity calendars in the SRA outputs are investigated. Activities are assigned with different calendars while holding all other parameters constant. A simple schedule was developed using Primavera P6 for a straightforward understanding of the relationship between the inputs and the SRA results generated from Acumen.
Schedule Risk Analysis with Acumen: Varying Activity Constraint Type
In this analysis, the activity constraint type is varied while holding all other parameters constant. A simple schedule was developed using Primavera P6 for a straightforward understanding of the relationship between the inputs and the SRA results generated from Acumen.
Synergy with Project Integration Management
The Project Integration Management combines both the technical (i.e., contract documents, plans, specifications) and non-technical (i.e., management of work) aspects of the project to form a synergy among interrelated and moving parts towards successfully achieving the project objectives.
Managing Project Stakeholders
Stakeholders play a critical role in the success or failure of a project. They have expectations that need to be satisfied for it to succeed. Poor management of stakeholders may lead to its disaster.